We are thrilled to announce 📢 Kosli is now SOC 2 Type 2 compliant - Read more
✨ New Feature: Kosli Trails is live ✨ Create comprehensive audit trails for any DevOps activity - Read more

An end to end solution for devops audit compliance

Ace your SDLC audit for compliance with industry standards without the need for screenshots, spreadsheets or change approval meetings. Kosli records every change in your software delivery process and stores it securely, giving you automated proof you can export to CSV.
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Compliance and evidence package of artifacts
Compliance and evidence package of artifacts
artifact and checkmark icons

Automate the evidence gathering process

Don’t depend on slow and error prone copy/paste processes for capturing audit data. Get automated proof of compliance with your processes and regulatory standards.
cog and warning sign icons

Release compliant software without risks or delays

Don’t delay your releases with manual change management processes you can’t trust. Deploy changes to production safe in the knowledge that they are in compliance.
file download icons

Produce full audits with a simple export to CSV

Don’t waste time hunting for data on tasks that were executed months ago. Get a full audit trail of all the proof you need in a format that every stakeholder can understand

Software delivery compliance and audit for any standard

AICPA SOC logo ISAE 3402 logo HIPAA logo ISO27001 logo FedRAMP logo PCI DSS logo NICST logo SCF logo IEC logo FDA logo ISO logo

Get a provable record of your software delivery process

Automated evidence of your software delivery

Get cryptographic proof that your software delivery process complies with the standards and policies of your choice. Integrates with your existing tools, so you don’t have to change anything about your workflows.
  • Tamper-evident data Send and store proof from your pipelines when tests, security scans, pull requests, etc. are executed on a commit or artifact.
  • Secure every build Track vulnerabilities, advisories, and dependencies. Get instant notifications in Slack when there’s any deviation from your policy.
  • Freedom of choice Works with your existing tools. Automate evidence that your process is being followed without forcing new tools or workflows on your teams.

Deploy changes with continuous compliance

Replace slow and risky manual approvals with continuous compliance automation you can trust. Get real time compliance status for your changes so your teams can deploy safely to production without tickets and meetings.
  • Reduce lead times Increase deployment frequency with releases that are faster, safer and more secure.
  • Real time compliance Know the real time compliance status for every change. See if there’s missing evidence in any upcoming release e.g. a unit test.
  • Build in trust Compliance automation that guarantees the evidence in front of you is complete, free from human error, and trustworthy.

Remove toil and stress with audit readiness

Get through your audit without having to untangle information spread across tools. Export the full history of events in your delivery process to a format where the auditor can quickly navigate to the data they need.
  • Export to CSV Don’t waste time piecing together an audit trail. Simply export the proof that was gathered in your pipelines and environments with a click.
  • Full visibility No more endless searches for missing data or evidence types. Quickly drill down into e.g. test results, deploys, or security scans.
  • Zero-day-audits Complete data that’s easy to navigate means you can pass an audit in less than a day instead of spending weeks/months chasing information.

Fed up with paperwork and meetings? Press the easy button for Audit and Compliance

Fed up with paperwork and meetings? Press the easy button for Audit and Compliance image

Do more with Kosli

ITIL vs DevOps icon

ITIL vs DevOps

Ace your next software audit with DevOps change management. Kosli records every change in your CI pipelines and runtime environments so you can generate an audit trail with a single click.

Continuous compliance icon

Continuous compliance

If your industry demands risk controls, documentation, and approvals, you can automate them with every change instead of doing it manually.

Developer feedback icon

Developer feedback

Pinpoint any change in your software from commit to production. Quickly get to the source of breaches, incidents and outages from the command line.

Related resources

Secure SDLC Process Template Infinity Loop

Kosli’s free asset helps define your SSLDC, providing a defined, repeatable way of working that manages IT risks

Fork the repo
Supply Chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA) Whitepaper cover

Download Kosli’s Free white paper: Supply Chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA)

View white paper
Oyvind character from stacc with ISO logo

See how Kosli enabled Stacc’s journey to ISO compliance at NDC Conference and that turbo eureka moment!

Watch the video
Character with a magnifying glass next compliance standard logos

How to prove your SDLC is being followed for compliance with medical standards like IEC 62304

Read the blog
Multicolor devops loop

What does it mean to deliver software with Continuous Compliance?

Read the blog
Artie character and company logos

Meet the companies that made friends with change with Kosli and ship with confidence and speed

View customer stories