We are thrilled to announce 📢 Kosli is now SOC 2 Type 2 compliant - Read more
✨ New Feature: Kosli Trails is live ✨ Create comprehensive audit trails for any DevOps activity - Read more

Tackle and resolve incidents in DevOps quickly and with precision using Kosli

Incidents can be challenging to manage in a complex DevOps environment. Fast identification and resolution are crucial to minimizing potential disruptions and maintaining compliance. With Kosli you get a shared view of environment and pipeline changes happening in real-time, giving you the power to log and diff changes for faster mean time to resolution and enable better observability in your organization.
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Icon for a central view of infrastructure

A centralized system of record

Platform users struggle to get the picture of what’s changing in real time. Kosli provides a centralized view that connects deployments and environment changes to repository diffs, pipelines and build information for fast resolution
Icon for searching and incidents

Quickly pinpoint changes responsible for incidents and outages

Alerts are firing and your dashboards are red. Is it a code change in the deployment or a manual environment change? With Kosli you can pinpoint deployments, Infrastructure as Code, and manual drift in seconds.
A complete record of all changes

A complete record of all changes

Kosli keeps the receipts when things change. Track the full history of every build, test, security scan and deployment. Go back in time to investigate security incidents.

Software delivery compliance and audit for any standard

AICPA SOC logo ISAE 3402 logo HIPAA logo ISO27001 logo FedRAMP logo PCI DSS logo NICST logo SCF logo IEC logo FDA logo ISO logo

Seamlessly integrate advanced monitoring and response protocols to ensure continuous compliance and operational efficiency

Automated incident detection

Effortlessly Identify Compliance Deviations and ensure your system’s integrity with Kosli’s real-time automated detection features, which are key to maintaining smooth and secure operations.
  • Instant alerts Receive immediate notifications when deviations occur, allowing for swift action to mitigate potential impacts.
  • Continuous monitoring Keep track of all changes and operations within your DevOps environment, ensuring nothing goes unnoticed.
  • Integration with DevOps tools Kosli's system works cohesively with your existing DevOps tools, enhancing detection capabilities without disrupting your workflows.

Minimize Risks with Preemptive Measures

Shift left and take a proactive approach that not only detects but also prevents compliance incidents, enhancing your operational resilience and compliance posture.
  • Preventative monitoring Continuously monitor compliance standards across all stages of development to prevent incidents before they occur.
  • Risk reduction Dramatically reduce the risk and impact of compliance issues with timely identification and resolution.
  • Operational efficiency Automate and standardize the incident response process to reduce the operational overhead, improving DevEx and allow your team to focus on innovation rather than compliance management.

Streamlined Compliance Management

Optimize Your Response with Integrated Tools, Kosli provides a holistic view of your development and deployment lifecycle, making it easier to manage and resolve compliance issues efficiently.
  • Comprehensive tool integration Utilize Kosli’s ability to integrate with a wide range of DevOps tools for a unified management experience.
  • Predefined protocols Implement standardized response protocols to handle incidents consistently and effectively across all teams.
  • Accurate issue identification Quickly pinpoint the root causes of compliance issues with Kosli’s comprehensive analytics and reporting features.

Fed up with paperwork and meetings? Press the easy button for Audit and Compliance

Fed up with paperwork and meetings? Press the easy button for Audit and Compliance image

Do more with Kosli

Continuous Monitoring icon

Continuous Monitoring

If your industry demands risk controls, documentation, and approvals, you can automate them with every change instead of doing it manually at the end – Deploy software safely, securely, and continuously.

Audit & Compliance icon

Audit & Compliance

Ace your next software audit and comply with industry standards without wasting time and effort on paperwork. Kosli records every change in your software delivery process to give you automated proof of your process.

Security and Defense icon

Security and Defense

Do you have confidence in your cybersecurity status, or are your controls based on inaccurate and over-optimistic information? With Kosli you can track every change made to your production environments and get instant notifications for unauthorized workloads.

Related Resources

Secure SDLC Process Template Infinity Loop

Kosli’s free asset helps define your SSLDC, providing a defined, repeatable way of working that manages IT risks

Fork the repo
Supply Chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA) Whitepaper cover

Download Kosli’s Free white paper: Supply Chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA)

View white paper
Oyvind character from stacc with ISO logo

See how Kosli enabled Stacc’s journey to ISO compliance at NDC Conference and that turbo eureka moment!

Watch the video
Character with a magnifying glass next compliance standard logos

How to prove your SDLC is being followed for compliance with medical standards like IEC 62304

Read the blog
Multicolor devops loop

What does it mean to deliver software with Continuous Compliance?

Read the blog
Artie character and company logos

Meet the companies that made friends with change with Kosli and ship with confidence and speed

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Ready to ship with more confidence?

Get security and compliance you can trust without slowing down or changing your tools.
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Auditor and Kosli user

Got a question about Kosli?

We’re here to help, our customers range from larges fintechs, medtechs and regulated business all looking to streamline their DevOps audit trails

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