We are thrilled to announce 📢 Kosli is now SOC 2 Type 2 compliant - Read more
New Feature: Kosli Trails is liveCreate comprehensive audit trails for any DevOps activity - Read more

Automate your change management to enable DevOps and allow teams to deploy more frequently

Explore how Kosli’s automates Change Management enhances deployment speeds, ensures strict compliance, reduces errors and boost productivity. Perfect for teams aiming to streamline operations and elevate efficiency without compromising security.
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icon for Accelerate deployment cycles

Accelerate deployment cycles

With automated change tracking and management Kosli minimizes manual oversight, ensuring faster, more reliable deployments. Allowing your team to deliver innovations swiftly without compromising quality or compliance.
Icon for built-in compliance safeguards

Built-in compliance safeguards

Every change in your pipeline is automatically checked ensuring that all deployments are secure and compliant with industry regulations and standards. Simplifying the audit process and significantly reducing risk exposure.
icon for enhanced productivity and focus

Enhanced productivity and focus

Automate the mundane and error-prone parts of change management, reducing errors and improving overall team efficiency, leading to better use of resources on high-value activities.

Integrates with your tools, your workflows, your industry

Kosli integrates with the tools you already use and doesn’t force you into adopting any new workflows. It gives teams in regulated sectors like finance and healthcare the power to deliver software with security, compliance, and speed.
GitHub logo Bitbucket logo GitLab logo CircleCi logo Bash logo Jenkins logo Azure logo Azure Devops logo AWS logo AWS ECS logo AWS Lambda logo Amazon S3 logo Kubernetes logo Docker logo Server logo
Tracking change across modern reference architecture is complicated

Kosli records the facts to make governance jobs easy

Observability with kosli diagram
Question icon

How does Kosli “record” everything? What kind of permissions does that require?

Answer icon Kosli works like a log system. You don’t have to worry about the data we’re collecting because we only receive what you decide to send us. Our customers record everything they need for audit, security and compliance by sending the cryptographic fingerprints for running artifacts alongside the metadata for builds, tests, pull requests, etc. Kosli doesn’t access or record your sensitive data or secrets. We’re also SOC 2 Type 2 compliant, so you can be sure we take security and availability seriously.

Software delivery compliance and audit for any standard

AICPA SOC logo ISAE 3402 logo HIPAA logo ISO27001 logo FedRAMP logo PCI DSS logo NICST logo SCF logo IEC logo FDA logo ISO logo

Transform Your DevOps with Automated Change Management

Real-time change tracking

Stay Ahead with Instant Change Logging and Alerts. Automate the tracking of changes throughout your software delivery pipeline to maintain high operational standards and compliance.
  • Automated logging Automatically log all changes made in the development and deployment stages, ensuring a transparent audit trail.
  • Real-time alerts Receive immediate notifications for any changes, allowing teams to quickly respond to potential issues or deviations from planned workflows.
  • Seamless integration Kosli’s system integrates with your existing tools, ensuring that you maintain continuity and efficiency without needing to overhaul your current workflows.

Ensure compliance with automated checks and balances

Follow your changes through the CI pipeline to deployment and beyond. Track the full history of every build, test, security scan and deployment. See if your commit is running in prod. Know when you’re done done.
  • Pre-configured compliance rules Set up and enforce custom compliance rules that automatically apply to all changes, reducing the risk of violations.
  • Security scans Integrate security scanning within the change management process to catch vulnerabilities early before they impact production.
  • Detailed compliance reports Generate comprehensive reports that detail each change, providing evidence for audits and helping maintain compliance with industry regulations.

Boost productivity with reduced manual tasks

Automate routine aspects of change management to allow your teams to focus on innovation and development, boosting overall productivity.
  • Automated approvals Set criteria for automatic approvals based on predefined rules, speeding up the process and reducing bottlenecks.
  • Integration with CI/CD pipelines Enhance your existing CI/CD pipelines with automated workflows that reduce manual handoffs and improve deployment times.
  • Error reduction Minimize human error with automated processes that ensure changes are implemented correctly the first time, reducing the need for rework and follow-up fixes.

Ace SDLC audits without wasting engineering time

Give developers the power to deploy their own changes without tickets or meetings. Capture your whole software delivery process as data and automate provable change records.
  • Centralize compliance system of record Avoid audit surprises by always having up to date receipts. React to policy deviations in real-time, not at audit time.
  • Always be audit ready Don’t waste time hunting in tools, systems, and documentation. Get a full map of what’s changed and compare it with the evidence you have for process compliance.
  • Export Evidence for auditors with Audit Packages and CSV export Give auditors proof of code review, SAST, DAST, and approvals for any change

Fed up with paperwork and meetings? Press the easy button for Audit and Compliance

Fed up with paperwork and meetings? Press the easy button for Audit and Compliance image

Do more with Kosli

Continuous Monitoring icon

Continuous Monitoring

If your industry demands risk controls, documentation, and approvals, you can automate them with every change instead of doing it manually at the end – Deploy software safely, securely, and continuously.

Audit & Compliance icon

Audit & Compliance

Ace your next software audit and comply with industry standards without wasting time and effort on paperwork. Kosli records every change in your software delivery process to give you automated proof of your process.

Security and Defense icon

Security and Defense

Do you have confidence in your cybersecurity status, or are your controls based on inaccurate and over-optimistic information? With Kosli you can track every change made to your production environments and get instant notifications for unauthorized workloads.

Related Resources

Secure SDLC Process Template Infinity Loop

Kosli’s free asset helps define your SSLDC, providing a defined, repeatable way of working that manages IT risks

Fork the repo
Supply Chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA) Whitepaper cover

Download Kosli’s Free white paper: Supply Chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA)

View white paper
Oyvind character from stacc with ISO logo

See how Kosli enabled Stacc’s journey to ISO compliance at NDC Conference and that turbo eureka moment!

Watch the video
Character with a magnifying glass next compliance standard logos

How to prove your SDLC is being followed for compliance with medical standards like IEC 62304

Read the blog
Multicolor devops loop

What does it mean to deliver software with Continuous Compliance?

Read the blog
Artie character and company logos

Meet the companies that made friends with change with Kosli and ship with confidence and speed

View customer stories