We are thrilled to announce 📢 Kosli is now SOC 2 Type 2 compliant - Read more
New Feature: Kosli Trails is liveCreate comprehensive audit trails for any DevOps activity - Read more

Using Kosli attest in Github Actions Workflows - Some Do's and Don'ts

The heart of Kosli’s functionality lies in its attest command. Think of it as a digital notary for your CI process. Every time you complete a significant step in your pipeline (e.g., a security scan, a build, a deployment, etc) you use kosli attest to create an immutable record of that event. However, integrating Kosli into your existing CI workflow isn’t always straightforward. You might find yourself grappling with questions like:

Record an immutable record of all changes made to your LaunchDarkly feature flags with Kosli

We’re thrilled to introduce our latest integration with LaunchDarkly! This powerful combination allows you to keep an immutable record of all changes made to your feature flags using Kosli …

Kosli Changelog September 2024

Welcome to September’s edition of the Kosli Changelog. As we brace ourselves for a wet and wild autumn our focus remains sharp on delivering updates that enhance the compliance of your software …

Introducing Kosli's Logical Environments: Gain total visibility and control over complex systems

In today’s fast-paced development landscape, environments are no longer simple or isolated. You’re managing resources that span across development stages, geographies, and technologies. And as those …

Streamline code quality: Integrating SonarCloud and SonarQube scanning with Kosli for automated compliance

Static code analysis is an important part of testing your software to ensure it is release-ready. In contrast to dynamic testing, which involves executing your code to find errors, static analysis …

Kosli Changelog August 2024

This month we are happy to announce that the logical environments feature is now live! This has been a big project for the team and we’re delighted to deliver it this month. Logical environments will …

Just the facts" 🔏 🗒️ Introducing Software Delivery Evidence Management (SDEM)

The DevOps Detective: “Just the facts” Picture a gruff-voiced sergeant from the classic TV series “Dragnet,” but instead of solving crimes, they are navigating the complex …

From lean manufacturing to DevOps: The software factory revolution

In our journey through the evolution of compliance in the DevOps era, we’ve seen the limitations of traditional compliance methods and the high stakes of compliance failures. Manual processes, …

The high stakes of SDLC compliance: Lessons from EVE Online's battle of B-R5RB and Equifax

n our previous exploration of The Punchcard Paradigm, we traced the roots of modern compliance practices back to the early days of computing. We saw how the physical constraints of punchcards shaped …

Kosli Changelog July 2024

Welcome to July’s edition of the Kolsi Changelog, This month, we’re excited to introduce our latest updates and improvements designed to enhance your software evidence management experiance. So …